Transitioning back to work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

Try these techniques for staying grounded and calm if you are returning to the workplace during the coronavirus crisis.

Ease COVID-19 anxieties with online counseling

If you’re experiencing anxiety related to COVID-19, these five simple exercises can help you manage distressing thoughts and feelings.

Maintaining therapy confidentiality while sheltering in place with family

Follow these five tips to find privacy during your teletherapy sessions while sheltering in place with family members during COVID-19.

Relationship Management During COVID-19

Spring Health experts offer tips to manage relationships with children, teens, couples, and elderly loved ones during the coronavirus crisis.

Returning to work: Bridging the gap between mental health and physical safety

A back-to-work plan must consider mental health as a key priority. Here are four ways you can bridge the gap between mental and physical health for your team.

Managing Your Employees Through Crisis: A guide for employers and leaders

Spring Health’s new guide offers key tips to better navigate the challenges of workplace mental health during the coronavirus crisis.

Employee burnout: Why it happens and how to prevent it

Employee burnout comes with a high cost for organizations. Find out how to prevent and address employee burnout by shaping your workplace culture.

Employees and financial stress: What employers can do to ease anxieties

Financial stress can hit employees at any stage of their career. The anxiety that accompanies that stress can influence their productivity and engagement at work.

Depression at work: Supporting employees in crisis

Depression costs over $51 billion in absenteeism to organizations in the U.S. each year. Learn how to support suffering employees.

Online mental health counseling: A guide to finding the care you need

Many therapists today offer online appointments. Find out what the benefits of virtual therapy are, and learn how to select a therapist for online sessions.

10 mental health tips for times of change

After an unprecedented 2020, it is especially important to focus on mental health in the new year. Here are 10 tips to boost mental health in 2021.

Managing the mental toll of the Capitol riot

Spring Health’s Dr. Millard Brown shares his advice on how HR professionals can help manage the emotional challenges team members may be coping with during this historically difficult time.

Prioritizing Employee Mental Health and Well-being in 2021 — Webinar recap

Spring Health recently hosted a webinar on how to best prioritize employee mental health to examine how HR leaders can help their employees in this turbulent time.

6 Productivity tips for working from home

Because working from home is here to stay for many employees, HR departments will increasingly find it necessary to advise employees on best work-from-home practices. These tips can help with remote worker productivity.

Sleep, mental health, and workplace wellness — Webinar recap

During our webinar on sleep and workplace wellness, sleep expert Dr. Lauren Hale discussed how HR and leaders can help their employees get a better night’s rest and improve workplace well-being.

Mental health for your team,
Let’s eliminate barriers together.

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