Top Takeaways from Beyond the Binary – A Webinar About TGNC Inclusion

On Tuesday, July 20, Spring Health hosted a webinar about creating more welcoming and inclusive workplaces for Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) people. Inclusive workplaces lead to happier and more productive employees, more diverse job candidates, and higher employee retention. In fact, companies that are inclusive are twice as likely to meet their financial goals […]

Creating a Stigma Free Work Environment—Webinar recap

Alleviating stigma means providing education on what mental illness is, and reminding those with mental health conditions that they are not alone.

Suicide Prevention in the Workplace and Beyond — Webinar recap

In honor of National Suicide Prevention Week, learn how we can effectively promote suicide prevention and support mental health.

Let’s Talk About Anxiety — Webinar recap

Anxiety levels have spiked in recent months for many Americans. The recap of our recent webinar explains how to help address anxiety in the workplace.

Breaking Down Barriers to Mental Health in the Black Community — Webinar recap

What can we do as HR leaders and organizations do to show that Black mental health matters? Watch our recent webinar for expert ideas.

Exploring Mental Health in Black Children and Adolescents—Webinar recap

Black children experience unique barriers to mental health. Learn about the complex dynamics at play and potential avenues for better supporting young Black Americans.

Prioritizing Employee Mental Health and Well-being in 2021 — Webinar recap

Spring Health recently hosted a webinar on how to best prioritize employee mental health to examine how HR leaders can help their employees in this turbulent time.

Sleep, mental health, and workplace wellness — Webinar recap

During our webinar on sleep and workplace wellness, sleep expert Dr. Lauren Hale discussed how HR and leaders can help their employees get a better night’s rest and improve workplace well-being.

Mental health for your team,
Let’s eliminate barriers together.

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